Travel Bucket List 2016

I love to travel and go to new places. I think that exploring this amazing world that we live in is the best thing anyone can do! By coming into contact with new people and places, we broaden our horizons. So that’s why I’m so excited to be able to share with you my list of places I’ll be traveling to in 2016! From Central America to the wild wild West, to very close to home, I have lots of exciting things planned! I can’t wait to hear where you’ll be going too ๐Ÿ™‚


First let me preface this list by saying that I am very lucky to be given so many opportunities to travel! I can’t express enough how lucky I feel as a 19 year old to be able to visit amazing places like these. But anyway, without further ado!

1) The Wild West!

I’m going to be spending my summer working as a counselor on a giant Boy Scout camp in the Rocky Mountains! I’m a Vermonter who’s never been further west than Minneapolis, so to be traveling approximately 1,861 miles to New Mexico for a summer job is something I’m really looking forward to!


2) The Dominican Republic

I am so excited to be heading to the beautiful Dominican Republic in March. However, this isn’t a vacation! I’m volunteeringย with a nonprofit foundation called Wine To Water to help bring clean drinking water to people who can’t access it. We’ll be drilling wells and making water filters to distribute! I hope to make a difference there, even just in my small way. Clean water is such a huge environmental issue, and it’s one I’m passionate about.

(If you’d like to donate to my fundraising efforts for this cause, you can click here! ๐Ÿ™‚ )


3) Climb 3 Adirondack mountains!

I love to hike, and one of my lifelong bucket list items is to climb all 46 of the Adirondack mountains. This year I want to be able to add 3 to my list! They’re all located in upstate New York, so it should be fairly easy haha! Some of the peaks are really quite difficult though. I’ll start off simple!


There’s my travel plans for 2016! Hopefully I’ll get to add some more day trips in as we go through 2016 ๐Ÿ™‚ Where are you headed this year? What places have you always wanted to go to?ย Let me know in the comments! Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

Love Kiki


All opinions are my own; this is not a sponsored post. All photos from Unsplash.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy What’s In My Makeup Bag? or Camino De Santiago 2015

107 thoughts on “Travel Bucket List 2016

  1. These are all such great opportunities! I’m in the process of hiking all 46 peaks (so far I only have 12 though). Hiking/camping is my favorite thing to do and I can’t wait to complete them all. I will also be tackling some this summer! Maybe I’ll see you up there lol!



      1. The one I know I HAVE to do is Iroquois. It has evaded me twice now (due to unforeseen circumstances). This past summer I tried to hike it, but my boyfriend and I ended up losing our tent poles on the way down from Colden, so we had to hike out. Other than that i have 34 to chose from, so it’s up in the air lol! What about you? How many have you done so far?



  2. Oh my gosh, Kiki! This is INCREDIBLE! I hope you’ll blog your way through all of these, they’ll be such amazing experiences and I can’t wait to hear about them! I’m especially impressed by number 2, I just adore volunteering – it’s so fulfilling. And that sounds like such a worthy cause, will definitely be donating! ๐Ÿ™‚



    1. Aww thanks so much, Raashi! You are just the sweetest ๐Ÿ™‚ I plan on blogging through all of them, as much as I can, and I hope you’ll keep up with the blog so I can share photos with you! ๐Ÿ™‚
      xo Kiki


  3. Love this post – it’s really the kind of post I tend to go to because traveling is one of my absolute dreams. I hike every week so it’s something I’m quite passionate about. I, myself, really wantt to go to the Dominican Republic as well. It’s on my bucketlist. I really hope you get to go everywhere on your bucketlist. It’s so good for the soul!

    Ella x


  4. Pingback: Spring Wishlist ft. Warby Parker – Color Me Kiki

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